PopRoxDaith piercing relieves migraines: Myth or fact??Let’s first start off and say, this piercing is freaking cute! Isn’t it? But does it really “cure” the migraines. Is this just a myth or is…Jan 31, 2022Jan 31, 2022
PopRoxIf you are reading this, you either are in the same boat as I am, or you are curious as to what a…YES!! I have depression and it accompanies the anxiety I have too, oh yay me!! It wasn’t until late 2014 that I was diagnosed after two…Jan 14, 2022Jan 14, 2022
PopRoxIt was near the end of 2017 after looking at a photograph of myself at a family members wedding…It was at that very moment, I made that decision 100%, I was going to get fit, I was going to start exercising, eating correctly, I was…Jan 12, 2022Jan 12, 2022